Hey there!
In order to find if a fraction would result in a repeating decimal, recall that a fraction is a division problem written vertically. All that you have to do is divide the numerator by the denominator. Also, remember that a repeating decimal will result in the same number after the decimal point as long as the calculator can handle.
3 ÷ 4 = 0.75
1 ÷ 9 = 0.11111111...
5 ÷ 11 = 0.45454545...
3 ÷ 0.42857143...
As you can see, two out of your four answer choices give you a repeating decimal. B gives you a repeated number of "1" while C gives you "45". D doesn't count since there is no pattern of repeated numbers that it follows.
Both B and C fall into the category of repeating decimal. If you're only able to choose one answer, I would ask your teacher, a parent, or a peer what they think.
Hope this helped you out! :-)
Ok so this is conic sectuion
first group x's with x's and y's with y's
then complete the squra with x's and y's
take 1/2 of linear coeficient and square
-4/2=-2, (-2)^2=4
5/2=2.5, 2.5^2=6.25
add that and negative inside
factor perfect squares
add 18.5 both sides
divide both sides by 2
that is a circle center (2,-2.5) with radius √9.25
Step-by-step explanation:
C = -11
A = -13
V = 9
E = -9
If you are adding them: -24
Hope this helps!