
Let's examine each quote.
“becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them”
- This states that the colonies need to be independent.
“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations”
- This quote states that the King (George III) had abused his power and impeded on rights.
“it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”
- This states that the people are allowed to change or get rid of a government.
“and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer”
- History shows people will suffer.
So, the quote that demonstrates King George III has abused the colonist's right is<u> B. “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations”
The Monroe doctrine said that European colonization on American land was an act of aggression. So, of the choices you provided the second one is correct.<span />
Romanticism: an artistic and literary movement in the late 18th century that highlighted inspiration and the primacy of an individual
Jethro Tull: (I'm guessing you are not looking for the definition of the band) so it is the inventor who invented the seed drill in 1700.
Eli Whitney: an inventor in the 1800s who invented the cotton gin with the intention of reducing slavery. Instead, slavery was increased
Utopia: a perfect society
Socialism: the political idea that the community as a whole should benefit from the economic profit (as in the wealth should be spread throughout the whole community)
Bessemer Process: a process used to make steel in which impure metals are removed from iron to make steel
Louis Pasteur: the scientist who is most famous for his invention of pasteurization, which made dairy safer to consume.
Adam Smith: a Scottish economist most well known for his book "An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"
Karl Marx: the political theorist who came up with the idea of communism
Capitalism: an economic/political system where the country's industry/trade is controlled not by the government, but by private entities
Nation-State: a state whose citizens are fairly similar in culture, language, and common descent
Popular Sovereignty: the consent of the people creates and sustains the ruling government.
Congress of Vienna: a meeting held from November 1814 to June 1815 that resolved ties after the Napoleonic Wars and the French Revolutionary Wars.
Otto von Bismarck: a Prussian statesman who was prominent in government from the 1860s to 1890.
Pogrom: the persecution of a religious or ethnic group (most commonly associated with the persecution of Jews in Eastern Europe.
Serfs: a laborer that farms on his lord's estate (in the feudal system)
Hope this helped.
Hello there,
How do you statements true or false?
Cochineal is a red dye obtained from the dried bodies of Cochineal insects. The Spanish used it to dye their fine cloth
Answer: True
The most possible answer would probably be Germany, "the American dollar plummeted from 32.9 to 1 in 1919 to 433 billion to 1 by 1924. The paper on which German marks were printed had more value as kindling or children's building blocks than as currency." From (This is the most likely answer for your question,)