C. strictly liable for Will's injuries
In law, Strict liability is a situation when defendant is required to be responsible to a certain situation, but can't be considered as guilty to any violation.
There are two points that need to be highlighted from the case above:
1. Astor Manufacturing process has fulfilled all of its safety regulation for storing the dangerous product.
2. The dangerous product owned by Astor Manufacturing caused William's injury.
The regulations for hazard management is created by the government, and the leak is not caused by their negligence. It's caused by unexpected natural disaster. This is why we can't say that Astor is guilty to any violation.
But still, the chemical that they created injured William. The court will most likely force Astor to be responsible for all the medical expenses incurred by william.
Is there any answers choice or I have to figure it my self
Copy Testing
Copy testing is a market research analysis method that utilizes the consumers' responses , behavior and feedback to determine the effectiveness and relevance of an advertisement.
This method reveals a great deal of information about the pros and cons of a particular product through the analysis and study of individuals or group of users.
It addresses media channels like the internet and social media , television radios and others.
It is very simple, if your house burns down, the evidence is there. All you need to do it look at a house that burnt down either completely or partially, but its easy to verify.
On the other hand, if you report that a necklace was stolen, it is really difficult to verify. Unless it is a unique jewel that is worth a ton of money, you could have simply given it away as a gift and then report it as stolen. The opportunities for insurance fraud are many when dealing with jewelry or other valuable objects that can be moved around easily.
The second question about different grants of authority refer to the organizational structure of a company. E.g. a salesperson in Best Buy is able to sell any item or items to regular customers. But sometimes a large order comes and the company must decide whether to discount the price or not, and then management kicks in and decides. The same happens to insurance agents. A company decides that some agents deal with policies that involve X amount of risk. If the level of risk is higher, they must work with other agents that are authorized to deal with high risk policies. It is basically a clearance level where employees are authorized up to this amount, and above that amount, other employees must be involved.
Equity will increased by 50%
Number of stock = 300
Per share value = $80
Stock value decline = 25%
Customer's equity will ?
Market value = 300 × $80 = $24,000
New market value = $24000 × (100% - 25%) = $18,000
Margin = $24000 × 50% = $12,000
Credit balance = $24,000 (100% / 75%)
Credit balance = $24,000 + $12,000
Credit balance = $36,000
Equity % = [Credit balance - New market value / Credit balance]100
Equity % = [($36,000 - $18,000) / $18,000]100
Equity will increased by 50%