glucose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, fructose are all the ones i know. there was no list, so i hope this helps.
It gets good food by excersicing, eating good food, and drinking lots of water. Eat a healthy diet, and lots of protein. Drinking water helps every part of your body. Drink 8-10 glasses or more a day. Excersise to stay strong, and able to do things.
The answer to your question would be an average healthy adult body is made up of 60% water.
MA's work primarily in outpatient clinics, for Dr's concerned with patient flow. some dr's get paid more $$ (depending on type of insurance)..for the amount or quota of patients seen in a day..
if dr's can see 10 or more patients, their income is more...example; a dr can earn more money if they admit their patients to a hosp. 4 physical therapy. therefore, that patient b4 being released, would require 8 weeks. physical therapy after any infection requiring IV antibiotics (if Medicare patient)..
Have a friend or family member drive you home, walk home with someone that isn't on drugs, call a taxi cab