According to Marx, division of labour is imposed on workers so that the capitalists may benefit. Durkheim stresses cooperation, whilst Marx stresses exploitation and conflict
Malina's choice reflects the preference of <u>Exogamy.</u>
The term exogamy refers to the custom of marrying outside the community or social group. Exogamy can also be described as the mating of the genetically less-related individuals, also known as out-breeding.
Exogamy increases the chances of having a healthier offspring. As, it increases the genetic diversity in the offspring and reduces the chances of inheriting two copies of the same defective gene.
Answer: The Mesopotamians believed that these pyramid temples connected heaven and earth. In fact, the ziggurat at Babylon was known as Etemenankia or "House of the Platform between Heaven and Earth". An example of an extensive and massive ziggurat is the Marduk ziggurat, of Etemenanki, of ancient Babylon.
All organisms are prokaryotic. All organisms are unicellular. Live in extreme environments, like heat and salt.
Conflict confrontation is not healthy for sustaining position relationships Conflict confrontation is only good if both the parties involved in the conflict are ready to talk out the issues. ... In such cases conflict confrontation may get ugly and destroy the positive relation between both the parties involved