Possible Essays for Life Science:
1. "Explain four management strategies to improve the quality of drinking water. Uncle Two sources of water pollution and Two effect of water pollution on human health.
2. "Eutrophication is one of most important water quality problem South Africa. Describe Eutrophication, what causes it and how it affects water quality."
3. "Describe the significance of DNA replication and meiosis and how the foetus is protected and nourished in the uterus."
4. "Describe how meiosis contribute to genetic variation and how
abnormal meiosis leaf to down syndrome and polyploidy. Also
describe advantages of polyploidy in agriculture.
Answer: An external factor caused damage to the nerve cells. However, the injection of new cells into the injured area prompted a beneficial change. The injured cells received proteins that decreased inflammation and pain in the mice.
Am certain that the factor that prevents us from finding fossils from the Precambian era is that Most rocks from that era are deeply buried. The precambrian is the informal name for the large expanse of time preceding the current Phanerozoic Eon. It began with the Earh's Formation about 4.5 billion years ago and lasted until the advent of multicellular life about 542 million years ago.
Carrector pill muscles hair follicles
melanocytes and keratin are present in the epidermis
Your kidneys act like a filter to remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. Your kidneys filter about 200 quarts of blood each day to make about 1 to 2 quarts of urine