Chorionic Villus Sampling. Definition: CVS is a test where the doctor collects a tiny piece of the placenta, called chorionic villus, which is then tested to check for chromosomal or genetic disorders in the baby.
True loam is not just any old topsoil. Technically, it has a certain texture, based on the size of its particles, clay being fine-textured, sand being coarse, and silt in between.
the sampling method because it involves continuing the total of numbers or organism.
Absence of a nucleus
In eukaryotic cells, DNA is typically harvested and saved in the nucleus, though prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus, so the DNA merely floats in the cytoplasm instead.
After mining, to reclaim the land, the depression is filled with rocks then the top is filled with loosely graded soil. Introduction of early succession plants is important before big trees can grow. The early succession plants help in the breaking down of the rocks into soil hence making the topsoil deeper to support trees.