Is this comprehensive writing?
I must say if it is, it's great writing!
If not, is this your experience?
{And if it is, am so sorry. I can't say I understand what you're passing through but know that you and your siblings plus your mom are worth it. All the male parent figures that were supposed to be there and fufill their duties and didn't just know that what awaits them is God's payment. Trusting in God's Way will never let us down. Though life might look bleary and you said so that you don't know the future but that's the beauty of life only God knows. Therefore, pray without ceasing and trust in God and remember there are a lot of things to be thankful for your life, your mom, your siblings, your education, your bf.
(God is always saying something)
Much love to you. I pray everything gets better for you. The best is always yet to come.}
All the best! :)
Cornell notes make your notes easier to read and more precise to answer
The transition from desirable ethics to internal values to actual behavior is internalization of ethical issues and looking inward to ones values.
The key word is simultaneously when it comes to parallel computing. Although the option <em>could </em>potentially be C, it's more likely to be A because it's "more right" in the words of my old English teacher. This is because A implies them working on it at the same time to reach the goal more effectively (another key word).