Answer: audience relevance
Most importantly when stating a thesis we should show and present how the work in the thesis is relevant to the audience. In this way we would be able to connect our research work more to the people and the audience. We should be able to state how our work is going to benefit them, what the people should do in this regard and all the dos and don't must be mentioned clearly while stating our thesis.
A computer ___Task__ is a text file that a computer can understand
A trademark is an easily recognizable symbol, phrase, or word that denotes a specific product. It legally differentiates a product or service from all others of its kind and recognizes the source company's ownership of the brand.
"Copyright" literally means the right to copy but has come to mean that body of exclusive rights granted by law to copyright owners for protection of their work. Copyright protection does not extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, title, principle, or discovery.
Fair use is a doctrine in United States law that permits limited use of copyrighted material without having to first acquire permission from the copyright holder.
Computer science are the disciplines that study information, computing and the applications or ecosystems where they are developed. It is a science that comes from applied mathematics and has 3 branches that are quite well known. On the one hand we have software engineering, secondly theory as such (primary study of algorithms and data, etc.) and finally the application of the amalgam of the first two, which end up resulting in disciplines such as big data, cybersecurity or computer security, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc. However, we are talking about a very broad science with various branches of work. Technological advances that have improved the scope of education, now allow us to develop in specific skills and computer science is one of the macro careers that have benefited the most thanks to the diversity of subjects it encompasses. This is where the on-demand courses available on the edX platform come in. Computer scientists are in one of the best times for their career advancement. We invite you to be part of the technological development and information and computing technologies through online courses.
Some protocols have multiple algorithms to choose from for e.g., cryptographic purposes. During connection set up, client and server negotiate which one they'll use.
One example is the set up of a TLS connection. During the handshake, the client shares a list of its supported ciphers (the 'ciphersuites'). The server responds by indicating the best one that both sides support.