to calculate your net worth you have to add up all your assests and subtract your liabilities from the total. Assests include a house, car, savings, stocks, investments, property, etc. I give up sorry!!
The statement that is not true of a speech is given below.
A review of the history of a certain subject might be helpful in an introduction to a speech.
A speech the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. It is also a formal address or discourse delivered to an audience.
Therefore, what may not be applicable is A review of the history of a certain subject might be helpful in an introduction to a speech.
learn more about speech:
She should persuade her audience by including benefits of the trip to Washington D.C, historical facts, and locations. Also, New York can be used to compare to Washington D.C, so there is more opportunity to persuade the audience in going to D.C. I hope this makes sense, i may just me terrible about explaining, but i hope i kinda helped
by encouraging and helping to maintain a respectful environment
by keeping the group focused and productive
by allowing participants to respond to others’ questions
The thrifty man uses coupons when he buys groceries so he can give the money he saves to charity.