Jim's computer will be performing at a slow pace
When you have too many programs open in the background, they eat up your cpu and core memory, causing your PC to lag. Jim's computer is likely to experience lag if he's running a bunch of programs at the same time.
It depends on the type of document you are trying to edit, but normally you can edit the header/footer.
For docs, you just double click near the top/bottom of the page.
b. mkdir -p ~/2019projects/project/projectplans
mkdir command in Linux environment is used to create a new directory. This command is used to create a folder to store the information in organized manners.
-p is used to create a parent folder in the directory. If we want to start a new project or want to store information about some new topic we will create a new folder for that purpose. So, -p is used to create a new folder in directory.
In above mentioned case, this is the first project that Mindy started in 2019, so she should create a parent directory of 2019 to save all projects details that she worked in 2019. So she should use -p with mkdir command to make 2019 as a parent folder.
First and foremost, what is network architecture? It's basically the physical and logical design which refers to the software, hardware, protocols and the media of transmission of data. Simply put, it refers to how computers are organized and how tasks are allocated among these computers. The two types of widely used network architectures are peer-to-peer aka P2P and client/server aka tiered.
Peer-to-Peer Architecture
In a peer-to-peer network, tasks are allocated to every device on the network. Furthermore, there is no real hierarchy in this network, all computers are considered equal and all have the same abilities to use the resources available on this network. Instead of having a central server which would act as the shared drive, each computer thats connected to this network would act as the server for the files stored on it.
Rubies are used in electronics.
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