Perder un testículo usualmente no tiene ningún efecto en la capacidad de un hombre de lograr una erección y tener sexo. No obstante, si se extirpan ambos testículos, no se pueden producir espermatozoides y el hombre queda estéril.
yes but it can also affect humans like tornadoes destroying homes?
See explanation:
Humans are the same, one side to the other. The human body is a mirror image, one side to the other. The cnidarian phylum does not necessarily have bilateral symmetry. Body forms like jelly fish, sea anemones, and coral are examples of cnidarians. Note that jelly fish may be somewhat symmetric, but not totally and not in the same way that the human body is.
C) In 1946, the Argentinian government imported fifty beavers from Canada, which were to be released in Cami Lake with the intention of creating a commercial fur trading industry. Though a viable industry ultimately failed to materialize, the introduction of the beavers into the region has had far-reaching consequences.
It would not survie as long