The endoderm gives rise to the nervous system.
Gastrulation is the process that occurs during the third week of embryonic development and includes transformation of embryonic disc with epiblast and hypoblast into a three layered embryonic disc made up of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. These are the three primary germ layers and give rise to various tissues and body organs.
Endoderm of the embryo give rise to epithelial lining of gastrointestinal tract (except the buccal cavity), respiratory tracts and other organs such as gallbladder, liver,etc. Mesoderm forms connective tissues such as bones as well as muscles and peritoneum. All the tissues of nervous system and epidermis of skin are derived from ectoderm.
The false statement is: (a) Transcriptional regulators usually interact with the sugar–phosphate backbone on the outside of the double helix to determine which DNA sequence to bind.
Transcriptional regulator or factor is protein with the ability to control and regulate gene expression at the transcription level by binding to DNA. Transcriptional factors have domain-DNA-binding domain which contains structural motif that recognizes DNA and it is responsible for the attachment to specific DNA sequence. It usually binds to the DNA major groove (hydrogen bonding) because it is less degenerate than that of the DNA minor groove.
Transcriptional factors also contain trans-activating domain for the binding of other proteins and signal-sensing domain for the detection of external signals.
Antibiotics in their name say they kill living things viruses are not living things. (Meme this as you may.)