Answer: Highlight the text you want to copy. Use the shortcut key combination Ctrl + C on a PC or Command + C on a Mac to copy the text. Move the text cursor to where you want to paste the text. Press Ctrl + V on a PC or Command + V on a Mac to paste the text
just copy and past by highlighting the text you want and clicking ctrl and c at the same time then ctrl and v to put it on word
She should select the first sentence then press and hold ALT while selecting the second sentence
Wireless Personal Area Netwrok (WPAN) or Personal Area Network (PAN)
The answer is IPS (Intrusion Prevention Systems)
The Intrusion Prevention Systems and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are two security technologies that secure networks and are very similar in how they work. The IDS detects unauthorized user activities, attacks, and network compromises, and also alerts. The IPS, on the other hand, as mentioned, is very similar to the IDS, except that in addition to detecting and alerting, it can also takes action to prevent breaches.
<span>It is false that given the option of receiving a generic r_sum_ or a tailored r_sum_, employers always prefer generic r_sum_s. This is false because rarely do employers need something generic from you - they'd always want you to present them with a specific result because that is more important to them than receiving something general and common.</span>