A. The speaker uses metaphors to compare the summer to his beloved, degrading them for being harsh and fleeting.
If you need to answer those questions then read the book again then answer the questions. What helps me is to reread the page or passage again
This sentence gives the tongue a feeling that someone has to have as a person, in this case foolishness.
Your answer is an opinion based question. The answer would be C because young voters and voting for a change.
Dr. King’s tone as he begins his letter is remarkably restrained. Considering the context – he was in solitary confinement when he learned that Birmingham clergymen had together issued a statement criticizing him and praising the city’s bigoted police force – he had every reason to make his letter a rant. And yet this address announces his purpose loud and clear: he aims not to attack but to explain. Rather than indicate what separates him from the other clergy, he calls them “fellow clergymen,” underlining one of the letter’s main themes: brotherhood. Of course, there is no shortage of passive aggressive attacks and criticism throughout the letter, but the tone remains polite, deferential, at times almost apologetic, creating a friendly and ironic tone. This marvelous collection of attributes is present from these very first words.