today, what they have in common is the races that live there. In washington dc, richmond and virginia, there is 0.0%, 0.0% and 0.2% of hawaiian, pacific islanders
A self evident truth is a truth that proves itself without need of further validation. In other words, it’s so obviously true only a fool or someone who’s willfully ignorant would contest it.
Zlata lived in the City of Sarajevo. She was a Bosnian writer and the Author of Zlata's diary: A child's Life in wartime Sarajevo.
Zlata was a young girl who lived in the seized territory of Sarajevo during the Bosnian War. The War that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina was an International Armed Conflict. The main reason for the war was that the Serbs and Croats living in the Bosnia wanted to annex the territory of Bosnia for Serbia and Croatia respectively.
The Egyptians invented hieroglyphics