It because it heavy rember there nothing that holds the fat
Well I wouldn’t worry about it. The item will come sooner or later and you probaly won’t use it as much, try to ignore the item and stop watching things and reviews of the item because being impatient for the item to come is just gonna make you think it’s coming slower. but late items are not as late as you think, even during this corona thing. Items that arriving from other countries should take about 1-2 weeks and if its in the same country, d_elivery should be 5-7 days Max. Even with corona, planes aren’t slowed down, they just cut the amount planes but not even by a quarter so plane‘s schedule should usually be on time and if delayed, it shouldn’t make you wait for another week, It should take about 2-3 days. So don’t trust the manufacturer if they
heavy, kinda heavy, and Hek no dawg i cant lift this.......
Hope I brought a smile on that miserable face who the hek takes AP courses in middle school i never heard of that. You must be a scholar.