Fast-twitch muscle strands give greater and all the more remarkable powers, however for more limited spans and weariness rapidly. They are more anaerobic with less blood supply, consequently, they are once in a while alluded to as white filaments or type II.
brown hair or black hair.
where are the choices????
Do you have a picture? It would really help answer your question
1. Support
2. Protection
3. Movement
4. Supply & Storage
1. Support : It provides a framework to support the organs and tissues of the body.
2. Protection: It protects our internal organs. The skull protects the brain; the thorax (sternum, ribs and spine) protects the heart, lungs and other viscera (organs within the thorax).
3. Movement: It provides a framework for muscles to attach. Then when the muscles contract they pull on the bones of the skeleton, which act like levers to create movement.
4. Supply & Storage: The bones that make up the skeleton are a source of both red blood cells (which transport oxygen) and white blood cells (which fight infection), which are formed within the bone marrow.