Domestication involves taming, training, & breeding
Answer: Following the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles, firm restrictions were placed on the German military, most notably, the entire army was restricted to just 100,000 men, while the navy was reduced to just 15,000 men.
Explanation: Hope this helps :)
Both empires emerged in the 14th and 15th centuries as postclassic civilizations building on the innovations of earlier political powers but expanding to greater extents
Both empires were entirely infantry, but well supplied, well-organized, and extremely aggressive and militaristic. Javelins, slings, spears and maces were used in battle.
Both empires had inherent instabilities
Both empires were fueled by corn.
Both empires have little to no seafaring, and instead stuck to the mountains and valleys in the center of the region.
Both empires conquered hundreds of cities in the region that resented their rule and taxation
Both empires were ended by Spanish invasions that capitalized on native divisions, introduced disease, and Spanish technology of guns, horses, and steel.
Both empires are misnamed-the Inka was the ruler of Tawantinsuyu, and the Aztecs adopted the name Mexica.
Both empires provided public education
Both Atahualpa and Moctezuma decided against confronting the Spanish militarily, allowing for the Spanish to take the Emperors hostage.
Attempts to restore the monarchy came after the capture and death of the emperor, but were too late.
The Incas were bronze age, Aztecs were stone age
THe Incas assigned governors and shuffled conquered peoples around. There was a greater centralization than in Mexico
The Aztecs were a tributary empire, not a direct one.
The Aztecs had writing, while the Incas used Quipu
The Aztecs still had many rivals left unsubdued
The Inca used mostly potatoes while corn was far more dominant in Mexico.
The Inca had llamas, small but important livestock that made transport easier
The Inca had a sophisticated courier system of Chasquis along state-maintained roads
The Inca used bronze axes and halberds, with slings and maces as their main weapons alongside spears. The Aztecs used obsidian swords and glaives instead for close combat, and used javelins far more. Likewise, while Inca military relied on the unit’s experience and officer corps for their quality like the Romans, the Aztecs instead had a feudalistic division between the elite knights and commoners, with advancement by taking captives.
The Inca allowed women into their schools but not commoners. The Aztecs prohibited women but allowed for peasant men to also gain an education.
The diseases that destroyed the Incas came before the Spanish actually arrived in Peru, while the Spanish had been in Mexico for months before the plagues killed the emperor and populace.
Moctezuma’s mistake was trying to use generosity to awe the Spanish and try to coax them on his side, while Atahualpa’s was trying to awe them with his army rather than actually using it.
The Inca political crisis was a civil war between two brothers, while the Aztec’s was a three way duel between the King, the Priests, and the Aristocracy and military.
-Meriwether Lewis was an explorer, soldier, botanical collector, and American public administrator. Lewis is known for having led, with William Clark, the expedition of Lewis and Clark, whose mission was to explore, shortly after the Louisiana Purchase, the new acquired territories and that managed to establish trade and sovereignty over the natives, and claim the Pacific Northwest and Oregon territory for the United States before the European nations do.
-William Clark was a military officer, territorial governor, and American explorer who joined Meriwether Lewis on the so-called Lewis and Clark expedition.
In 1803, Lewis proposed to Clark to share the command of the expedition he was forming under the auspices of President Thomas Jefferson, the so-called Corps of Discovery. The expedition lasted three years, and although technically it was a subordinate and was under the command of Lewis, in practice both shared the command at the insistence of this.
Clark was mainly concerned with the preparation of letters, the management of logistics and supplies, and the identification and classification of indigenous plants and animals.
-Sacajawea was an indigenous woman belonging to the Shoshone tribe who accompanied and guided the Lewis and Clark Expedition in their exploration of the western part of the United States of America. Sacajawea traveled with the expedition between 1804 and 1806, from North Dakota to the coast of the current state of Oregon.
Sacajawea was of great help indicating the steps to follow to reach the Pacific Ocean, forming part of one of the most important trips of recognition of the territory of North America.
-York was an African-American slave known for his participation in the Lewis and Clark Expedition. A slave of William Clark, he participated without pay despite being a full member of the group. There's no data of him after the expedition.
Answer: Nations must cooperate to bring about and maintain world peace.
Nations must not wage wars or commit war crimes in a desire to control other nations.
Explanation: World War II ( 1939- 1945) saw the formation of an alliance to possess a brand new world order. The alliance was formalized in 1942 by the Declaration of the United Nations.