U.s history is important because an educated electorate is crucial to protecting and nurturing freedom. Historical study is important for many reasons. But for an American, the study of u.s history is particularly important. We need not all be scholars of the American revolution, but we do need an appreciation of what sets us apart from other countries and where we still need to improve.
Here is a example
The new United States government was thus free to acquire Native American lands by treaty or force. Resistance from the tribes stopped the encroachment of settlers, at least for a while. After the Revolutionary War, the United States maintained the British policy of treaty-making with the Native American tribes
The Electoral College is "none of the above", since in fact it is a system in the United States in which electors in every state and Washington DC elect the President.
Spain controlled most of the colonies and the shipping routes.
Manifest Destiny
John O'Sullivan coined the phrase "Manifest Destiny" to describe what he saw as the God-appointed duty of the United States to expand across the North American continent and to lead the world by the example of its values. O'Sullivan was editor of the <em>Democratic Review</em> and of the <em>New York Morning News</em> when editorials in both publications (in July 1845) put forth arguments for annexing Texas and the Oregon Territory. US public policy in the years that followed did essentially pursue the sort of territorial goals O'Sullivan had described, even if not always with his same spiritual ideology in mind.