D. Be careful that you don't lose your keys before you get home.
I got it right
B) deciding on the scope of the topic
The correct answer is option B. Shelley compares the recklessness of modern scientific discovery to the recklessness of Prometheus's desire to obtain the power of the gods.
This question has the excerpt missin. Here it is:
<em>In the myth of Prometheus, the titan Prometheus steals the gift of fire from the gods and gives it to humanity. Zeus punishes both humanity and Prometheus. In particular, he chains Prometheus to a rock where an eagle swoops down and eats his liver every day.
<em>In Mary Shelley's novel Frankestein; orm the Modern Prometheus, a driven scientist named Frankestein seeks to understand the secret of life and death. He succeeds in bringing a dead body back to life, but the monster he creates punishes Frankestein for the rest of his days.</em>
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In her story, Shelley compares the discovery of the secret of life and death to Prometheus' desire for the power of the gods.
In both cases whoever performs the acts is punished. Prometeheus by Zeus, and the driven scientist by the monster he creates.
direct object
the first one is a direct object
Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close to one another in a piece of text such as; Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds, sometimes creating end rhymes