Access the File<span> menu, choose </span>Info Pane<span> to get to </span>Backstage view, you can see Properties on t<span>he area on the right side </span>of the current PowerPoint presentation. <span>Within the </span>Properties<span> pane click the </span>Show All Properties<span> option , T</span><span>his will displays properties such as </span>Size<span>, the number of </span>Slides<span>, </span>Hidden Slides<span>, the number of </span>Multimedia Clips, etc. Some of the entries are editable w<span>ithin the </span>Properties pane, and some are not. Just move your mouse cursor over any detail of a property. The editable sections will change the cursor into edit mode.
Culture identifies who you are, what you value, and how you act.
computer file is a computer resource for recording data discretely in a computer storage device. Just as words can be written to paper, so can information be written to a computer file. Files can be edited and transferred through the internet on that particular computer system.
Program p1;
var a,b,c,d : integer; {i presume you give integer numbers for the values of a, b, c }
x1, x2 : real;
write('a='); readln(a);
write('b='); readln(b);
d:=b*b - 4*a*c
if a=0 then x1=x2= - c/b
if d>0 then begin
x1:=(-b+sqrt(d)) / (2*a);
x2:=(-b - sqrt(d))/(2*a);
else if d=0 then x1=x2= - b /(2*a)
else write ("no specific solution because d<0");
writeln('x1=', x1);