A) has no effect on the cash payments for interest reported in the operating activities section of the statement of cash flows
The amortization is an accounting method to match the difference in the nominal interest rate of bonds with the real interest rate the bond is yielding.
Th cash flow statment will just recognize the cash proceeds, which are calculate base on the face value, regardless of the premium or discount in the bond.
D. None of the above.
When there's a change in demand, the demand curve shifts and only quantity demanded changes- it either increases or reduces but price doesn't change. A change in demand is caused by factors that affect a consumer's demand for a good other than the price of the commodity.
Some of the factors that cause a change in demand include:
1. Change in income
2. Change in taste
3. Season
When there's a change in supply, the supply curve shifts and quantity supplied changes but there's no change in price. Change in supply is caused by other factors that affect supply other than price.
I guess the correct answer is Substitute products and services
A substitutе is a prοduct that pеrfοrms thе samе οr similar functiοn as anοthеr prοduct. Micrοеcοnοmics tеachеs that thе mοrе substitutеs a prοduct has, thе dеmand fοr thе prοduct bеcοmеs mοrе еlastic. Еlastic dеmand mеans incrеasеd cοnsumеr pricе sеnsitivity which еquatеs tο lеss cеrtainty οf prοfits. Fοr еxamplе, public-transpοrtatiοn is a substitutе fοr driving a car, and е-mail is a substitutе fοr writing lеttеrs.
It is used to record sounds that you can hear.