TritionalshiftsofEscherichiacoliB/rtorichermediahavebeenanalyzedinsynchronouslygrowingandexponential-phasepopulations.Earlyperturbationsinthetimingofcelldivisionwereobserved.Attheslowgrowth,divisionpro-gressedatarateequaltoorlessthanthepreshiftrateforabout1h.Atintermediategrowth,bothdelaysandaccelerationindivisionwereobserved.Theextentoftheperturbationdependedupontheageofthecellsatthetimeoftheshiftandthecompositionofthepreshiftandpostshiftmedia.TheperturbationwasdifferentinthetwosubstrainsofE.coliB/r I got this from hopefully it helps you
Answer is A.
"Lava", "Magma" and "Volcano".
As we should know before now that Volcano occurs when tectonic plates slide against each other.
This rupture on the earth allows hot "lava", and gases to escape from a "magma" vent. All these sum to be a "volcano".
Answer: soft seeds
Tiny, soft seeds that are easy to crush are preferred by the medium ground finch to feed. During droughts, however, they often consume the larger seeds on the island when small seeds are not as available.