Some ideas that came from the Age of Reason, also known as the Enlightenment, includes advanced ideals such as:
Separation of Church and State
Constitutional Government
Japan was devastated.
Industries and transportation networks were crippled, shortage of food and water, the Japanese war machine was completely destroyed. The emperor of Japan lost all political power. In short, the country was in ruins.
The Nazis physically dehumanized the Jews by forcing them to wear the Star of David. This was dehumanizing to the Jews because it pretty much just marked all of them as the same. All of the Nazis viewed the Jews as nothing and acted like they didn’t matter so by making them all wear the Star of David it was labeling them as useless.
Hope this helped!
Interesting question. The black death was a rather ready virus or as they called it a "plague". The reason it was so deadly it because it was a brand new virus/plague that the Europeans had never encounterd therefore being rather deadly for there immune system was not ready for it and had no way of treating it because it was an known virus from overseas. If you didn't know it was carried over on a ship where the virus was attached to a rat with further infected the crew and soon after the entire towb