a. osteoblasts
b. osteoid
Osteoblasts are the fundamental cell of bone tissue. They are the cells that synthesize the bone matrix called osteoid from which it is made from the skeleton of bone fish, to the skeleton of humans. Since the bone skeleton is an evolutionary paraphiletic characteristic (it is present in several taxonomic groups that have evolved from the same ancestor).
Osteoblasts are responsible for the development and growth of bones during the juvenile stage of individuals and are also responsible for maintaining adult bone and regenerating bone when it breaks.
Osteogenesis is the process of differentiation of osteoblasts. The cells from which osteoblasts differ are called osteoprogenitors. The differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells, which come from the mesoderm, periosteum or bone marrow, is induced by growth factors called bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), capable of inducing the growth of bone, cartilage or connective tissue. When an osteoprogenitor cell receives a BMP signal, it quickly begins to express the genes to generate collagen, osteonectin and alkaline phosphatase, among other compounds necessary for bone growth. When the bone grows, it ends up wrapping some of the osteoblasts and they lose their ability to replicate, at that time they are dedicated to bone maintenance and not to their synthesis and are called osteocytes.
This book describes how control of distributed systems can be advanced by an integration of control, communication, and computation. The global control objectives are met by judicious combinations of local and nonlocal observations taking advantage of various forms of communication exchanges between distributed controllers. Control architectures are considered according to increasing degrees of cooperation of local controllers: fully distributed or decentralized control, control with communication between controllers, coordination control, and multilevel control. The book covers also topics bridging computer science, communication, and control, like communication for control of networks, average consensus for distributed systems, and modeling and verification of discrete and of hybrid systems.
Examples and case studies are introduced in the first part of the text and developed throughout the book. They include:
<span>control of underwater vehicles,automated-guided vehicles on a container terminal,control of a printer as a complex machine, andcontrol of an electric power system.</span>
The book is composed of short essays each within eight pages, including suggestions and references for further research and reading.
By reading the essays collected in the book Coordination Control of Distributed Systems, graduate students and post-docs will be introduced to the research frontiers in control of decentralized and of distributed systems. Control theorists and practitioners with backgrounds in electrical, mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering will find in the book information and inspiration to transfer to their fields of interest the state-of-art in coordination control.
Amylase, lipase, pepsin, trypsin
Help in digestion of food by catabolizing nutrients into monomeric units
Hemoglobin, albumin
Carry substances in the blood or lymph throughout the body
Actin, tubulin, keratin
Construct different structures, like the cytoskeleton
Insulin, thyroxine
Coordinate the activity of different body systems
Legume storage proteins, egg white (albumin) Provide nourishment in early development of the embryo and the seedling
They can create competition within a certain niche
Ekosistem merupakan work yang dapat dilihat dengan jelas deg-degan during yummy