The successes of the civil rights movement of the 1950s largely left out segregation in the southern states.
The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s was a process by which African Americans began to demand and mobilize for greater recognition of their civil and political rights, especially in the southern states of the country, where they had been limited from the end of Reconstruction.
Through nonviolent protest methods such as marches or sit-ins, African Americans began to fight for a government recognition of their rights, which were finally enshrined in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which gave African Americans have legal equality against whites throughout the United States.
Answer: This talks about the Foreign People who are technically, People who are born outside of where they live now, and "He gives" may mean he shows Foreign People about "Any Native"
I hope that sorta Makes Sense
All states supported but New Hampshire and Rhode Island
La bipolaridad internacional causada por la Guerra Fría, que se desarrolló desde 1945 hasta 1991, tuvo como consecuencia principal la caída del comunismo del pedestal político en el que se encontraba hasta ese momento. El comunismo, en su esencia, fue derrotado por el capitalismo democrático defendido por el bloque occidental y, por lo tanto, perdió influencia en los países en los cuales se encontraba funcionando hasta ese momento. Así, países de Europa del Este gradualmente fueron dejando atrás el comunismo, y comenzaron a abrazar sistemas de mercado: liberalismo, socialdemocracia, etc.
Además, proscribió el uso de armas nucleares en el ámbito internacional, toda vez que la tensión generada en dicho período histórico llevó a severas restricciones y controles en la posesión y utilización de materiales bélicos nucleares.
Articles of confederation I think.