The personal factors that may contribute to spread Corona virus would be:
1). Sneezing or coughing in public without using a mask or handkerchief.
2). Physical contact with people without taking proper precautions like shaking hands without gloves, etc.
3). Not using masks and not maintaining the rules of social distancing.
4). Touching surfaces and mouth and nose without sanitizing it.
Since Corona virus leads to an infectious disease, any contact with the infected person through the droplets left in the air(if one does not wear mas-ks) or physically touching him/her may lead to the spread. This contribution is really huge and may significantly increase the number of infected cases. Thus, people are requested to stay indoors as much as possible and move out(if necessary) with the required precautions(wearing mas-ks, using sanitizers, maintaining social distancing, etc.)
I may have heard what Barbara said yet im not exactly beyond any doubt. what I state is if your body can deal with it have numerous kids. in the event that your check book can also. in America we have been bolstered the untruth that we ought to turn into the neuclear family having 1.3 kids… how can one have .3 of a tyke. I recall when I was having my third tyke a lady said to me..your tyke will inhale up my air. I was stunned when she said that. it was the most dumbest thing I at any point heard. all things considered, on account of this moronic hypothesis we are short individuals in the US. we don't have enough specialists paying into standardized savings and so forth to cover the older presently despite the fact that my age paid into the past pack of old. different nations have a similar issue since they trusted the equivalent imbecilic belief system from an earlier time. they were asking individuals to move to their nation and began requesting that families have more youngsters. what a miserable situation. I state on the off chance that your family can deal with it and your wellbeing have more kids, at that point the 1.3 recorded years back. not any more family unit.
Explanation: William locks Margot in the closet because the sun is coming out and he does not want her to see it.
The problem between Margot and the other kids is that she is from Earth and they have lived on Venus for all of their lives. They are jealous of Margot because she has seen the sun, and they do not remember the last time it came out when they were toddlers. Margot also does not relate well to any of the kids from Venus.
The appearance of the sun brings out the worst in the kids. They are very excited because the sun only comes out once every seven years.Margot has been on Venus for only five years. She remembers the sun, but the children cannot stand the idea. They have turned to bullying to deal with the situation, because Margot has not assimilated into Venus life. She does not play their games and has not made friends.The children do not really think about what they are doing when they put Margot in the closet. They make it a “joke” even though it is supremely cruel. When the sun comes out, the children simply forget about her in all of the excitement. They seem to have intended to pretend to lock her in there so she would miss the sun, but then they actually did it. This story is a good example of the pointless cruelty of bullying. If someone is different, then that person becomes a target. This is even more true with children, who are intolerant of uniqueness and privilege.
8 May 1950
It was a crazy time being on the island with just schoolboys. We were on the plane to escape the war, but we had our own war. Many people think that children are innocent, that we are not capable of murder and brutal violence. But we are capable of such things. We can be savage. I desperately wanted to be civilised, building huts and trying to get rescued from the island. But in the end, I was one of them. I killed a boar yet I felt thrilled and was partly responsible for Simon’s death. I am ashamed of how evil I have become and can be.
I miss the civilised and responsible child I once was. But even though I have lost my childhood innocence and have seen more brutality than I could have ever imagined, I have never really lost who I am. I am still the Ralph that holds onto civilisation, and in some ways, I am still a chief. Leadership post-island life will be different as this time, I have a keen understanding of our human nature. And I want to be a better person to honour the death of my dear friends.