The British government took control over the colonist, and after that the colonist declared independence.
The states of Florida, Hawaii, Alaska, Vermont, South Dakota, New Mexico, Maine, Wisconsin, and parts of California including, for example, Los Angeles County do not recognize it and have each replaced it with celebrations of Indigenous People's Day (in Hawaii, "Discoverers' Day", in South Dakota, "Native American Day" ...
they gained California which is next to the pacific ocean we now have "from sea to shining sea".
Irish Mark System
Irish Mark System was the system of prison management of Ireland prisons. The system was developed by Sir Walter Crofton.
The system was modeled after the Mark system of Alexander Maconochie. According to the Irish Mark System, the prisoners were trained academically and in trade, given military training, and they were prepared to have self-control also. <u>This system was divided into three stages of confinement:</u>
Isolation- Prisoners were kept in prison for nine months.
Congregate work- In this stage, the prisoners were given credits or marks based on their industry or good behave.
Intermediate Prison- In this stage, prisoners were under minimal supervision.
After successfully completing all the stages, the prisoners were given 'ticket of leave.'