Women with pure heart is loved and praised by many people.
Mo li hua is one of the most famous folk song form China in the Jiangnan region. It dates back to 18th century songs sung by the people of China as a folk song. But in recent time, many new variants of the song was developed which became very famous.
The meaning of Mo li hua is the flower Jasmine. The song describes how beautiful the Jasmine flower is. The beauty of the Jasmine flower is compared to the beauty of a women who have a pure heart and kind to other people. Such women are beautiful in their own way.
The various musical instruments that are used to play the song are the flute and the coir. The rhythm of the flute and the coir makes the music very pleasing and soothing to the ears and it gives the message that women with a olden heart is being adored by every people.
According the freud, the development of people's behavior and personality is heavily related by our urge to fulfill our sexual instincts since early age. Non-Freudian personality theorists believe that sexual instinct do not occurs within children and only developed by the time people are experiencing puberty.
The 7 mountains of dominionism/Societal Influence are 1. Religion 2. Family 3. Education 4. Government 5. Arts and Entertainment 6. Media 7. Buisness Hope this helps :)