Answer: 0 and 1, in that order
The numbers <u> 0 </u> and <u> 1 </u> are respectively the additive and multiplicative identities of rational numbers.
The additive identity is 0 because adding 0 to any number leads to the original number. For instance, 7+0 = 7. In general we can say x+0 = x or we could also say 0+x = x.
The multiplicative identity is 1 because multiplying 1 with anything leads to that original number. Example: 1*5 = 5 or 9*1 = 1. The general template is x*1 = x which is the same as saying 1*x = x.
These ideas not only apply to rational numbers, but to real numbers as well.
3.3 is greater than 3.01
Hope this helps!
One hundred and twenty thousand