[ kon-si-kwens, -kwuhns ]SHOW IPA
See synonyms for: consequence / consequences on
the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier:
The accident was the consequence of reckless driving.
The animal farm is a very popular story.
The statement demonstrates that totalitarian governments is known for its corruption practices.
In the story, the animals were used to work like slaves without rest.
They love their work even with the unfair treatment.The animal have clean heart and did their work with all their ability.
The statement shows that corruption has eaten deep into the system of government and thus they exploit the people for their selfish benefits.
See the options below
It demonstrates that loyalty is rewarded in totalitarian governments.
B) It demonstrates that corruption is at the center of totalitarian governments.
C)It demonstrates that revolution is a constant threat to totalitarian governments.
D)It demonstrates that written law is the best way to protect against totalitarian governments
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The English Parliament had controlled colonial trades, imports and exports since the beginning. But the americans weren't represented in the Parliament, so this went against the Bill of Rights of 1689, which forbid the imposition of taxes without the Parliament's approval. The increasing imposition of taxes in the second half of 18th century harmed the colonies' trade and economy, paying for wars on the other side of the Atlantic that had very little to do with them. So, they denied to keep paying for taxes unless they got direct representation in the Parliament. With this, the inhabitants of the colonies were claiming their equality with the inhabitants of the metropolis. It eventually led to the American Revolution, since the English government refused to listen to the colonies' demands.
The notion of "no taxation without representation" tied the colonies together against a common enemy, setting the foundations of what it would become the United States of America.
A, u know that they cannot be fake because fake people cannot give nonfiction stories or be a author of nonfiction
Answer: urban areas have high population density and rural areas have low population density