In these sentence, Paine is arguing the fact that America didn't flourish due to it's acquaintance with Britain but it flourished on itw own accord. Paine goes on arguing that America would have flourished more if there would not have been interference from European powers.
'Common Sense' is a philosophical pamphlet written by Thomas Paine. In this pamphlet, Paine writes about independence of American colonies from Great Britain and establishment of Democratic government.
In the Third Section of the pamphlet, Paine describes about the current situation of America. To this Paine argues and invalidate the fact that America flourished due to its acquaintance with Great Britain. Paine argues that this is a fallacious statement and America would have flourished much more if European powers would not have interfered in their colonies' business. He goes on to argue that America will keep on flourishing because she has enriched herself with the necessaries of life but Europe is customed of eating, which means acquiring of taxes.
The Mekong River, a critical waterway for six countries in Southeast Asia, is registering critically low water levels this summer.
The Mekong River Commission (MRC), which monitors Southeast Asia's longest river, reported in mid-July that water levels over the previous month had fallen to "among the lowest on record."
The Mekong springs up from the Tibetan Plateau in China and flows to the South China Sea through Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Around 60 million people depend on the river for fishing, farming and transportation.
However, unseasonably low rainfall, along with maintenance work at the Jinghong hydropower station in China, and tests on the Xayaburi dam in Laos, have been identified as causing a massive decline in water levels.
And although rains have recently increased, easing drought conditions and gradually raising water levels, the crisis is far from over.
In June 2019, the average rainfall level in Thailand's Chiang Saen province, for example, was only around two-thirds of the total monthly rainfall for June from 2006 to 2018. Reports have shown that the acute shortage of rainfall is due to El Nino — a meteorological phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean that affects the climate all over the Pacific basin.
it had grassland and was morelike a savanna than a desert
The answer is "Option b".
The theory of modernization focuses on the internal influences and socio-economic sources, including formal education, market economy versus political and secular structures. Social transformations have become increasingly complex, segregated, or efficient. In cultural progress is associated with reduced inner distinction.