C)-They were the same, designed and built by the same company.
In the Middle Ages, Scandinavia was filled with fertile farmland. Friars spent most of their lives praying and working inside their monasteries. Each feudal territory had at its center a noble's castle. Knights trained for war by fighting each other in tournaments.
multicultural Sunni Islamic state
Under Suleiman the Great, the Ottoman Empire grew larger and stronger, incorporating new territories in its borders, thus new groups of people as well. This resulted in an empire that had an abundance of different cultures and religions in its borders. The Sunni Islam was the state religion and it was set up higher in the hierarchy than the rest, but the empire had multiple others, including Orthodox Christian, Catholic, Armenian Christian, Jews. This made the empire a multicultural empire, though it has to be mentioned that the multiculturalism did not work well in this case, as the people of different cultures, ethnic groups, or religions were constantly rebelling against the suppressing Ottomans.
Germany was destroyed, as was much of Europe. The British were losing their Empire after 50 years of war and world upheavals. Japan had expended their resources and manpower, and had their industry decimated by the US bombing campaign. For awhile, only the US had nuclear weapons. When combined with the military strength accumulated during the war, they looked like a dominant force. At least until spies revealed the secrets of nuclear weapons to the Soviets. This began the Cold War nuclear standoff between the US and the new Russian empire, a complex ideological battle between capitalism and communist totalitarianism.