What is the importance of the physiological subcycle of migratory birds ? (The question was in Romanian)
Migratory birds are an important to Arctic communities which harvest them, their eggs.
During summer they make the neighborhood lively and bringing sound back to wherever they are after the cold and silent winter.
A study the physiology of certain migrants has revealed that metabolic patterns usually change before migration, and fats is accumulated in their body tissues.
Their food consumption increase during the autumn molt.
The thyroid gland plays causes some of theses fundamental physiological changes, those correlated with migratory activity. Some of these fluctuations are not recorded in nonmigratory species.
Note: The annual cycle of migration depends on a complex internal rhythm and activities that affects the whole organism, particularly the endocrine glands (glands of internal secretion) and the gonads - hormonal releases.
The migration answers to migratory stimuli and breeding functions.