Resources can broadly be classified upon their availability—they are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. Examples of non-renewable resources are coal, crude oil natural gas nuclear energy, etc. ... An item becomes a resource with time and developing technology.
Filter 1: Include U.S. and Canada
To see the data for users from the United States and Canada only "in a view" - this means at a time - this means that only one filter is needed for seeing the data for both countries. This therefore means that Filter 1: include U.S and Canada is the best filter that should be applied.
Diffusion of responsability.
This is a sociopsychological phenomenon in which an individual is less likely to take action or responsibility for an action or inaction when there are others present. The individual, thereby, assumes that others will take action.
This is what Kayla is thinking and experiencing when she sees the old man stumbling. She assumed that someone else would help the old man.