If you would like to calculate 1/10 of what number is 0.04, you can do this using the following steps:
1/10 of what number is 0.04
1/10 * x = 0.04 /*10
x = 0.04 * 10
x = 0.4
Result: 1/10 of 0.4 is 0.04.
Place your dot roughly around 2.23. The square root of 5 is 2.23
The answer is 20/3 first you set a variable x and 30x=200 divid both side by 30 and get the final answer
y = 5
x = 10
Step-by-step explanation:
-4(2y) + 11y
-8y + 11y = 15
3y = 15
/ 3 /3
y = 5
x = 10
-6x=-36 then u divide by -6 so it is...