41 chromosomes
Cats have a dipoid chromosome number of 38, <u>so their gametes will have half that number: an haploid number of 19 chromosomes</u>.
Rabbits have a dipoid chromosome number of 44, <u>so their gametes will have an haploid number of 22 chromosomes</u>.
When a cat gamete (n=19) joins with a rabbit gamete (n=22) to form the hybrid zygote, it will have 19+22=41 chromosomes. When it undergoes mitotic division, all its somatic cells will have 41 chromosomes.
1 mental pictures that have no direct
relationship to the actual object you are
thinking about
2 to gain or obtain for yourself
3 a ranking system
4 perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another
5 to figure out or unscramble hidden
6 the aspects of a dream or fantasy
that you remember
#4 I don't see the match in what you posted but the definition of phoneme is what I wrote.
C. where plants can capture sun light
D) gut with four stomach chambers. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask me.
When cancer spreads, it keeps this same name. For example, if kidney cancer spreads to the lungs, it is still kidney cancer, not lung cancer. Lung cancer would be an example of a secondary tumor.