To compare data makes the most sense
The relational operator used would probably be <=
Yes, it is correct. God is great. He gives pain but gives the ointment as well to get rid of it. God gives tougher challenges, but God also gives the guts to tackle them and win them. The story of adaptation, ad predator also goes like this. God gives spines to sea urchins to survive, and it gives the birds stronger beaks to break shells. Similarly, he gives programmers awesome brains to solve the toughest problems.
Please check the answer.
Plagiarism is quite a bad thing because if you plagiarize, you are copying and pasting other people's work and using the work as yours (even though you change the sentence structure/ some words, it is still plagiarizing.) Fair use means un-biasness.
A vocational school can also be called all of the following except a certification school.