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Netiquette is a form of communication done correctly online. Good netiquette involves respecting others privacy, using correct grammar, and not doing anything online that will annoy or disrupt others. It is important to have netiquette while online, because communication online is non verbal and you can’t tell how someone is reacting. Having netiquette is important. It implies that you have polite behaviors, and want to build up relationships with people in your work space or at a party you plan on attending. Netiquette is one way to show respect to a person, and to show that you deserve respect. It improves how you organize your writing, and shows how productive you can be. By helping you to become polite online and respectful to other users of the internet, Netiquette is especially important for future letters, emails, or other writing forms.
Memory 1 MB (2 × HM658512LTT PSRAM)
Storage 1 MB of NOR Flash expanded to 2 MB by Stacker compression + 32KB BIOS NOR Flash
Security in communication between applications and sites in m-commerce can use SSL technology.
While developing an app, developers have to perform several checks and ensure that the server has a legitimate certificate.