People that like the restaurant
In order to judge the feeling of the town, you should take into aspect what other people think of it, and since the people's numbers change, it would be good use to measure some aspects
For normal goods, the income effect and the substitution effect both work in the same direction; a decrease in the relative price of the good will increase quantity demanded both because the good is now cheaper than substitute goods, and because the lower price means that consumers have a greater total purchasing power.
I cannot found the images of the microscopy anywhere. But I can explain how you can differentiate a procaryote from a eucaryote under a microscope.
The first difference between them is the size of the cell. eucaryotes are generally much bigger than procaryotes. Procaryotes are visible only at x100 objective, but eucaryotes are visible starting from the x10 zoom.
The second difference is the presence of a nucleus in eukaryotes and the absence of it in procaryotes.
The third difference is the presence of organelles in eukaryotes and the presence of a cell wall in procaryotes (only visible at electronic microscopy).
Presumably whatever their nutrition and health requires, for instance, if a tree frog requires fruit flies to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, then the conservation center probably feeds their tree frogs fruit flies.
"A good soil structure is important to allow air and water into the soil which are vital for healthy plant growth. It will improve drainage and reduce soil erosion caused by excess surface run-off."