All percentages can be expressed as fractions or decimals. To find a percentage of a number, we multiply the percentage with the number. In this case:
3/100 * 16/1 = 48/100 = 0.48
0.03 * 16 = 0.48
Her new hourly wage would be $16.48

Step-by-step explanation:
Isolate the variable by dividing each side by factors that don't contain the variable.
Option 3
Step-by-step explanation:
This is the same reason that Pythagorean's Theorem works. The area made up of the X and Y Regions (the squares of the two legs of the triangle) is equal to Region Z (the square of the hypotenuse)
If you mean (3n-2m)^2 then the answer is
So B
Step-by-step explanation:
Assuming that this is an equilateral triangle, I am going to divide this triangle in half to get a right triangle.
17 is our hypotenuse
17/2 = 8.5, this is one of our legs
The other leg is our height, which we will find.
We use Pythagoras Theorem to find the height/leg: 

= 14.72243186
Now, we use another formula to find the area of the triangle: 
14.72243186 × 17 = 250.2813416
250.2813416 ÷ 2 = <u>125.1406708</u>