Here is a summary sentence you can use: "This poem makes me feel mysterious. I feel this way because the poem leaves a lot up to the imagination. It has me wondering what else happened in the poem. The poem means the fog enters the city and goes out as fast as it came in over the harbor and city.
The correct answer is c. Details of setting and characters' Appearance.
To break the habit you have to use a 2 minute distraction every time the distressing thought comes to mind - any distraction that requires concentration will do. In time, the urge to ruminate about the event will subside.
I would say "personification" and it seems to be used in the following passages, "joy whose hand is ever at his lips, and bidding adieu", "turning to poison while the bee-mouth sips"," Veil'd melancholy has his sovran shrine" and finally " his soul shall taste the sadness of her might". So joy is personified as being a hand at lips, the mouth like a bee (local simile) that sips, melancholy is like a person that has his shrine, and a soul can taste sadness.