#11.) Phacops. It lived in the late Devonian Period (~400 million years ago).
#12.) Carbon-14 is a good radioactive isotope for determing the age of artifacts from a burial site thought to be associated with the most recent early humans because it is present in all organic matter (which humans have, of course).
#13.) 3, Devonian.
#14.) From the Devonian Period through the Triassic Period.
#15.) Cenozoic.
Both the Plantae & Animalia kingdoms.
A substance that tends to reduce the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved (took that right from dictionary.com)
The greatest changes to the path and strength of the Gulf Stream might be caused by an increase in the volume of river water that flows into the Gulf of Mexico (Option B)
The North Atlantic current or Gulf Stream carries warm water from the Gulf of Mexico forward Europe, providing a relative template clime in most of the European occident.
Ocean streams are sensitive to the amount of freshwater available on the surface. An increase in overflow and precipitation over the ocean could slow or revert the north Atlantic current, blocking warm water flow to Europe.
The deposition of freshwater could cause a temporal deceleration or total collapse of the North Atlantic Current, and this interruption might lead to very cold periods in the North Atlantic.
Is an organism in its earliest stage of development. In humans, this is the stuff and defined as the developing organism from the fourth day after fertilization to end of the week. After that unborn baby is usually referred to as the fetus.