The most basic reason that cells are stained is to enhance visualization of the cell or certain cellular components under a microscope. Cells may also be stained to highlight metabolic processes or to differentiate between live and dead cells in a sample.
The main reason you stain a specimen before putting it under the microscope is to get a better look at it, but staining does much more than simply highlight the outlines of cells. Some stains can penetrate cell walls and highlight cell components, and this can help scientists visualize metabolic processes.
Using the host's cellular metabolism, the viral DNA begins to replicate and form proteins. Then fully formed viruses assemble. These viruses break, or lyse, the cell and spread to other cells to continue the cycle. Like the lytic cycle, in the lysogenic cycle the virus attaches to the host cell and injects its DNA.
Glycolysis evolved very early in ancestors that are common to all the domains of life.
This is because the site of glycolysis is cytoplasm which is present in both prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes.
As prokaryotes are the early ancestors of all domains of life therefore it is also considered that glycolysis is evolved very early.