Locke declared that under natural law, all people have the right to life, liberty, and estate; under the social contract, the people could instigate a revolution against the government when it acted against the interests of citizens, to replace the government with one that served the interests of citizens.
The right answer is "He was an open supporter of black civil rights."
The crucial issue of civil rights was in John F. Kennedy´s presidential. campaign in 1960. He viewed the civil rights issue as a legal, constitutional and moral problem. Once `president, however, he adopted a cautious approach because of his narrow victory and small working margins in Congress. Even so, he pushed for civil rights on different fronts. For example, he appointed a large number of African-American officials.
Because of the harsh weather it made the trail of tears even more unbearable for the native americans
A (i think)
because New England had huge woodland areas