The given statement is an example of glittering generalities
Answer: Option A
The 'glittering' in the glittering generalities denotes the glowing embarkment of the statement, This is a general term that glows the value of the statement more than its being factual in presence. This is the reason, it is also known as glowing generality.
The phrase appears very appealing either in substance or demand or emotion and is involved within the conceptual purview of the ideal belief without having to be any justified association with reasonable information or basal support. The same appears in the given statement.
Answer: Benjamin Bloom.
Benjamin Bloom, along with the collaboration of Walter Hill, Max Englehart, Edward Furst, and David Krathwohl, wrote Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (1956), mostly known as Bloom’s Taxonomy. It was a framework for classifying instructional goals, that has been used in K-12 and college since then.
It included six main categories (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation).
"SNCC" played a major role in the sit-ins and freedom rides, a leading role in the 1963 March on Washington, Mississippi freedom summer, and the Mississippi freedom Democratic Party over the years . Hope I helped !
poverty, lack of education, lack of law inforcement
hope this helps