The general purpose of speech is to inform. The universally useful of any discourse will be either to Inform; Motivate/Persuade, or Entertain your group of onlookers. When you know the broadly useful of your discourse you can build up your Specific Purpose Statement. Your Specific Purpose Statement is utilized to build up your discourse.
(A) When talking to others, young children often fail to take their listeners' knowledge and perspectives into account.
A five-year-old is still in the process of intellectual development, so she is not yet able to identify perspectives and make logical associations, such as the fact that two people she knows but who are in different environments do not know each other, like the case of the teacher and a personal friend. Adults know this and should seek to develop these skills in children, but in a natural and healthy manner.
Make laws and other legislation, formally declare war, and begin impeachment processes, among other functions.
Please let me knwo if you have any other questions. Hope this helps!
Try "The French Government Became An Absolute Monarchy"