Polar because it always is below 32 degrees and has no rainfall
The life cycle of plants is composed of sporophye generation and gemetophyte generation. They show alternation of generation in which gametophytr produce gametes that develop into sporophytic plant. Sporophye produce spores that develop into gametophyte plants.
Bryophytes, pinus etc
Answer: A warm current is just the reverse. A warm current is moving away from the Equator toward the poles. The water in a warm current is warmer than the surrounding water.
Explanation: The surface water temperature varies considerably between the Equator and the poles. As the ocean water is distributed across the Earth's surface by drifts and currents (see the infrared satellite photo of the warm Gulf Stream moving north along the east coast of Florida), warm water from the lower latitudes is moved into the higher latitudes and cold water is moved Equatorward. If you will remember, we noted in the section on Latitude that this redistribution of heat by ocean water is one of the major ways excess energy is moved poleward (and cold water is moved Equatorward).
I hope this helps, good luck
Answer: Option B) a lipid molecule that contains at least one carbohydrate unit.
A glycolipid is a membrane lipid molecule with a short carbohydrate chain attached to a hydrophobic tail by a glycosidic bond. Examples of complex glycolipid are cerebrosides found in the brain