Why would the officials worry about the spread of the Ghost Dance beliefs? They feared the religion would lead to rebellion. What act tried to lessen the traditional influences of Native American society by making a land ownership private rather than communal and by promising U.S. citizenship to American Indians
Have great day amazing person!!!
Wood engraving by Gustave Dore (1832-1883) taken from 'London: a Pilgrimage', published by Grant & Co in 1872. Behind the group of exhausted-looking workers in the foreground, others can be seen stoking the fires beneath the gas retorts, sealed vessels where, at high temperatures, the coal was broken down into tar, coke and gas. From the 19th century, manufactured gas was made by the distillation of coal, predominantly for use in lighting. In 1869, the writer Blanchard Jerrold suggested a collaboration with Dore on a comprehensive portrait of London. Entitled 'London: a Pilgrimage', the book contained 180 engravings and although a commercial success, there were criticisms that Dore had concentrated on the poverty of the city.
Answer: Faced with mass starvation among his people, Sitting Bull finally returned to the United States and surrendered in 1883. ... Someone fired a shot that hit one of the Indian police; they retaliated by shooting Sitting Bull in the chest and head. The great chief was killed instantly.
Answer: These phrases refer to the Age of Imperialism.